本文从宝塔面板教程专栏介绍Debian如何安装宝塔面板,如何打开DEBIAN9 BBR,如何安装v2ray服务器。希望对有需要的你有帮助!
切换到root账号sudo -i,设置root密码passwdDebian安装宝塔 panel BT panel官方安装脚本:(Debian系统)
wget-O install . sh http://download . bt。cn/install/install-Ubuntu _ 6.0 . sh & amp;& ampBash install.shCentos安装
yum install-y wget & amp;& ampwget-O install . sh http://download . bt。cn/install/install _ 6.0 . sh & amp;& ampSh install.sh安装成功,如下图所示。
打开debian 9 bbreecho ” net . core . default _ qdisc = FQ & quot;& gt& gt/etc/sysctl . conf echo & quot;net . IP v4 . TCP _拥塞_控制= bbr & quot& gt& gt/etc/sysctl . conf sysctl-psysctlnet . IP v4 . TCP _ available _ configuration _ controls mod | grepbbr安装v2ray服务器:官方脚本bash
apt-get更新-y & amp;& amp在apt-get安装curl -ycentos系统中安装Curl的方法
百胜更新-y & amp;& ampyum install curl-yvi/etc/v2 ray/config . jsonv2 ray服务器的配置文件如下:(以下代码可以直接覆盖源文件代码)。
{ & quot入站& quot:
location/soft down { proxy _ redirect off;proxy _ pass http://127 . 0 . 0 . 1:65432;proxy _ http _ version 1.1proxy _ set _ header Upgrade $ http _ Upgrade;proxy_set_header连接升级& quot;proxy _ set _ header Host $ http _ Host;}宝塔个人资料
服务器{监听80;监听443 ssl http2server _ name v-hk . yuezl . top;索引index.php index.html index.htm default.php default.htm default.html;root/www/wwwroot/v-hk . yuezl . top;#SSL-START SSL相关配置,请勿删除或修改404规则的下一行#error_page 404/404.html带注释;# HTTP _ TO _ HTTPS _ START if($server _ port!~ 443){重写^(/.*)$ https://$host$1永久;} # HTTP _ TO _ HTTPS _ END SSL _ certificate/www/server/panel/vhost/cert/v-hk . yuezl . top/full chain . PEM;SSL _ certificate _ key/www/server/panel/vhost/cert/v-hk . yuezl . top/privkey . PEM;ssl _协议TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3SSL _ ciphers ECD he-RSA-AES 128-GCM-sha 256:高:!阿努尔:MD5:!RC4:!DHE;ssl _ prefer _ server _ ciphers onssl_session_cache共享:SSL:10m;ssl _ session _ timeout 10merror _ page 497 https://$ host $ request _ uri;#SSL-END #ERROR-PAGE-START错误页面配置,可以评论、删除或修改ERROR _ PAGE 404/404 . html;# error _ page 502/502 . html;# error-page-end # PHP-info-start PHP参考配置,可以注释或修改包括enable-PHP-74 . conf;#PHP-INFO-END #REWRITE-START URL重写规则引用,修改会使面板设置的伪静态规则失效。include/www/server/panel/vhost/rewrite/v-hk . yuezl . net . conf;#REWRITE-END # location ~/(。user.ini |。htaccess |。git |。SVN |。project | license | readme . MD){ return 404;} #一键申请SSL证书验证目录相关设置位置~ 。众所周知的{允许所有;}地点~。*.(gif | jpg | JPEG | png | BMP | swf)$ { expires 30d;错误_注销;access _ log/dev/null;}地点~。*.(js|css)?$ { 12小时后过期;错误_注销;access _ log/dev/null;} access _ log/www/www logs/v-hk . yuezl . top . log;error _ log/www/www logs/v-hk . yuezl . top . error . log;location/{ proxy _ redirect off;proxy _ pass http://127 . 0 . 0 . 1:56629;proxy _ http _ version 1.1proxy _ set _ header Upgrade $ http _ Upgrade;proxy_set_header连接升级& quot;proxy _ set _ header Host $ http _ Host;#在v2 ray access . log proxy _ set _ header X-Real-IP $ remote _ addr中显示realipproxy _ set _ header X-Forwarded-For $ proxy _ add _ X _ Forwarded _ For;}}有关宝塔面板的更多信息,请访问宝塔面板教程部分!